Her Wild Roots

Imagine yourself on a journey of discovery...
You are guided by a spirited mentor and accompanied by a small group of like-minded women. Within you, you carry everything you need for the adventure: enthusiasm, openness, curiosity, patience, cooperation, willingness and self love. Asking more questions than providing answers, your guide encourages you to awaken your senses and to carefully examine the world around you. She gives you time to explore it deeply. In this way you are empowered to make your own discoveries and to reflect on your own role in the world around you. You become more self aware, more willing to embrace the mystery, to be more present, and you feel a sense of deep peace and companionship with all that surrounds you.
This is the world that I endeavor to create in Her Wild Roots. The tools in my toolbox are simple and effective. Together we will explore:
Animal tracking and sign
Bird language
Earth honoring rituals
Whimsical nature crafts
Wild Edibles
Medicinal plants and mushrooms
Flower essences
Herbal preparations
Food preservation
Map and compass skills
Basket making
Fire making
Singing and movement
Contemplation in nature
Hiking, snowshoeing, canoeing
Plant attunements and guided journeys
Fun times with new friends
And so much more....
The Beginning...
Her Wild Roots was started in 2013 by best friends (for over 40 years) Kathy Dean and Jeannie Bergstrom. Kathy and I have been deepening our friendship and participating in adventures for most of those 30+ years. We might bond over a hiking trip in the Colorado Rockies, a canoe trip in the Adirondacks, finding edible mushrooms in the back yard, or learning the call of a new bird passing through on its annual migration. Our time in nature and our love of it and each other sparked admiration and longing in many of the women who heard our stories. So many commented on how lucky we were and wished that they had a relationship like that. We decided that we did indeed have something great to share, and possessed the enthusiasm, experience and expertise to do it well. We led women's trip together in our 20's and 30's and in 2014 we created Her Wild Roots and began inviting other women to participate in our adventures.
As sometimes happens on this wild ride we call life, our focus can change and as Kathy's life has changed her attention has begun to shift with a new relationship, a new house and a new business. With all the new things happening in her life, Kathy made the hard decision to let go of her involvement with HWR and to move on to other opportunities.
I, Jeannie, however, feel that Her Wild Roots is my heart's calling. I have discovered that one thing I excel at is helping things to grow -- whether it be a garden, animals, children or a friend's' self awareness. It has never felt like work and has been a dream come true to share my love of nature and spirit with other women. I have decided to continue on, tweeking the format and nurturing this little business along into a powerful and intimate life changing experience for women.